10 Facts about Vertebrates

1. The vertebrates are living beings having a backbone within them.  

2. Fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, including humans, are vertebrates.

3. Vertebrates are just 3% of the whole animal kingdom. The rest of the animals are invertebrates. 

4. All vertebrates have some essential attributes such as a backbone, skull, developed brain, and advanced nervous system.

5. Vertebrates can either be warm-blooded or cold-blooded. Cold-blooded vertebrates find it difficult to manage body temperature normal. While the body temperature of warm-blooded animals remains constant irrespective of weather. 

6. Fish are the most ancient known vertebrates. Fish step by step developed, or changed, into other land creatures.

7. Warm-blooded creatures or mammals are the most evolved vertebrates. Females feed their infant breast milk. 

8. A completely submerged frog respiration takes place through the skin. While fishes have gills for underwater breathing.

9. Mammals develop inside their mother's body. Except for monotremes such as platypus and echidna. They lay their eggs.

10. The littlest vertebrate is believed to be a minuscule frog called the Paedophryne Amanuensis. It just develops to about 0.3 inches long. The biggest is the blue whale, which can develop to more than 100 feet in length.

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