Learn All About Dolphins

Dolphin is an aquatic animal. You would be surprised to know how intelligence a dolphin can be, which we will discuss later. People are very fond of them and remain inquisitive as they have some special characteristics. In general, people think that it is a fish because apparently, it looks like a fish. On the contrary, they are mammals. 

What Makes Dolphins Special 

Dolphins can save swimmers from sharks by forming circles to alert swimmers. 

The pregnant female dolphins get protected from the external body at the time of delivery. The group members help the female.

The communication among the dolphins is very strong. They can make a variety of sounds and nonverbal communicating gestures. It has observed they can be engaged in a fight. 

Echolocation is one of the most fascinating features of dolphins. Echolocation is a process that helps dolphins in finding their way out in the night. In the process, the sound waves are produced. If the sound waves are reflected by an object. It will be heard again.

Playful Nature Of Dolphins
People would be amazed to watch the playful nature of dolphins. They are often seen chasing or throwing objects to one another. Dolphins are funny and adventurous. They do stunts like jumping and spins acrobatically in the air. Their interaction with human beings is friendly.

Dolphins are social animals found in groups. They help other members in getting healed when they get injured. The group of Dolphins is called “Pods”. The members in a single pod vary from species to species and location to location. The pods can merge to form a Superpod. The pod members work together in hunting for food.

Threats To Dolphins
Predators are threats. There are many other threats to the Dolphins. Diseases caused by parasites and viruses take away the life of dolphins.
Human activities are affecting their habitat. Draining pesticides and other harmful chemicals are also making their survival difficult.
Drainage of pesticides, heavy metals, agricultural and industrial pollutants, and plastics are damaging the habitat and environment of both oceanic and river dolphins and is a major threat to their survival. Many species of dolphins are now on the verge of extinction.

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